Probus at Townhall

Visit to Town Hall

probus in Geelong

Visit to Geelong

Probus Seniors Insurance

Seniors Insurance

We are the Kew branch of Probus (professional and business retirees) an organisation set up under the international auspices of Rotary.

Our aim is to provide intellectual and physical stimulation to those still young in heart and spirit by meeting both formally and informally in a variety of activities.

These activities include monthly talks, walks and visits as well as a group managing a cyber investment portfolio, a classical music group and an International Affairs group.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. Why not come to the next one and see for yourself.

Our formal monthly meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 10.00am.

The venue is the Phyllis Hore Hall adjacent to Kew library at the corner of Cotham Road and Civic Drive, Kew.

The hall is equipped with a full complement of audio visual equipment. Mid-meeting we have a chat over tea or coffee After the meeting several members meet at a local cafe or restaurant for an informal lunch.

Our Investment group meets in Lincoln Str. Richmond,and our Music group meet on the second Tuesday of the month at Rylands 2 Malmesbury Str. Kew and our International Affirs group meets also at Rylands on the third Tuesday of each month.

Look before you leap - come as a welcome visitor to our next meeting (please let Secy know so that we can look out for you).

We do have an annual subscription but it is a modest $65 per member for next year.